From PLR Industry Leader Liz Tomey...

The Good, The Bad, And... The Money!

Get daily notifications on the latest PLR packages being launched, honest opinions of what's good and what's NOT, and proven ways you can make money with PLR in your business!

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Today In PLR is the daily newsletter where I (Liz Tomey) give you the latest on what PLR packages are good, what PLR packages are bad, and exactly what PLR packages you need.

It's pretty simple...

If a PLR package is good AND it's in your niche or a niche you want to be in at some time in the future buy it!

If a PLR package is bad... DON'T buy it.

If a PLR package is in a niche that you NEVER want to be in. DON'T buy it.

My daily emails will help you decipher what you do and DON'T need.

Not only that, but I'll give you details on exactly what I do with PLR packages that I buy to actually make money in my business. I buy tens of thousands of dollars in PLR packages each year, so I have LOTS of experience on ways to use them. Not to mention I'm in over 20 different niches online, so using PLR content s a constant thing that I do in my business!

I've been creating, selling, and buying PLR since 2004/05 so I know a thing or two about PLR. If you'd like to know what's going on each day (Monday-Friday) in the "world of PLR" then make sure you enter your name and email address in the form below.

You'll instantly get a welcome email directing you to some of my best tutorials on using PLR in your business, and then the first issue of Today In PLR will hit your inbox within 24-hours.

No strings attached! You don't have to buy anything, and if you decide it's not for you all you have to do is click the link at the bottom of any email to unsubscribe!

I look forward to helping you PROFITABLY use PLR in your business!

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