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You'll be blown away at what you get and all that is coming. It's WAY too much stuff to list here, but it's basically ALL of my products, one-on-one coaching calls with me, complete ready to go businesses, all my PLR, and so much more!

Would You Pay a Measly 7 Bucks To Get Your Hands On My Personal Money Making Strategies That I Use To Make Money With PLR Content Every Single Day?
Since 2005 I've been making money with PLR content in MANY of different ways in MANY different niches. I've now taken all my years of profitable knowledge and packed them into 4 different online classes that you can get your hands on RIGHT NOW for a one time special price.
I just had to share my thoughts on Liz Tomey's PLR Cash Classes! She is so down to earth and easy to understand. It was great learning from someone that talks TO me, rather than AT me. Her simple explanations along with quick, easy to digest video lessons makes learning a breeze. She covers all the bases and even includes resources and tips for other ways and places to learn even more.
The question this class answered for me was, "Can I make money online with PLR?"... The answers is a resounding YES!Lee Proctor
Hi there! I'm Liz Tomey and on this page I want to give you access to every single profitable tactic I've used to turn PLR content into BIG MONEY over and over again for more than 12 years!
These are all PROVEN “money-making” tactics that I've used to make money with PLR content, and now you can do the same thing!
If you're a "serial PLR buyer" with a ton of PLR content on your hard drive or if you just want to know how to use PLR content to make money- Then these 4 online classes are going to show you how to profit like never before with PLR content.
Here’s Everything You'll Get Instant Access To...
PLR Cash Class Volume 1
This is the first class in the PLR Cash Class series and is a great place to learn a lot about using PLR content and profiting from it! In this class I'll show you...
- Ways to make money from every single PLR product you ever buy, and even all those who are hanging out on your harddrive!
- How to use inexpensive graphics to make an old PLR product look like YOUR brand new super shiny killer product...
- The biggest mistakes you can make with PLR products, and how they can cause you to not make any money at all! (Don’t let these mistakes happen to you!)
- How to have new sales material created for PLR products, so that you can make the most money from them! (And you can outsource every single part!)
- The best online community to get PLR, find people to help you edit it, and even sell your PLR products...
- How to make each and every PLR product you ever get a best seller that makes you a ton of money! (You’ll love this trick!)
This is the best introduction to PLR you'll ever go through. I've put my 10+ years of experience into this class to get you started off on the right foot and making the most money!

PLR Cash Class Volume 2
This is a massive class where I show you three different "income plans" for making money with PLR content. I'll be showing you exactly how to...
- Use PLR content that you either have or can easily get for cheap to setup lead capturing squeeze pages, and sell products you're an affiliate for all on autopilot. (This is a great way to build your list AND make money from it!)
- Use PLR content to create tons of blogs that together can make you an absolute killing! This income plan is a great way to create a ton of sites and monetize them all with advertising that makes you money on autopilot! (And since it’s all PLR - You don’t have to write a single word!)
- Use PLR products to create an automated product empire. Setup related PLR products and use my automated tactics to make a killing from your own product empire! (This pulls in money 24/7!)
Each tactic is shown to you step-by-step! You'll be able to watch everything I do, and then go do it for yourself. Pick a plan, get started, and make money!

PLR Cash Class Volume 3
In this class for the first time ever, I'll take you behind the curtain of my business, and show you what strategies I am using to make the most money from PLR content, and how you can be doing the same exact things! In this class I will show you...
- How to create your own PLR products and sell them for big time pay days using my step-by-step methods. (I've made more money with this strategy than any other strategy that I've ever used!)
- Profitable ways to use PLR articles... Not only do I provide you with the perfect PLR Article Resource Guide, but I also show you exactly how to use those articles to make big money.
- A super easy way to setup your own profitable PLR membership and sell PLR products that you buy from others. Hundreds of thousands of people are looking for PLR products, and you can make a lot of money by being their "source". (Plus you get paid every month!)
- How to take a PLR product and "spin" it to make it look like a totally different product. This is a great tactic if used correctly, and I'll be giving you all kinds of tips and tricks that I personally use to cash in with PLR products that are just collecting dust on my harddrive!
- And many other tactics that I personally use in my business to make a killing with PLR content that you will be able to take and use in your business!

PLR Cash Class Volume 4
In this class I'm going to show you exactly how to create your very own passive income system that will allow you to sell software products that you get the private label rights to. (The best part is… You don't even have to create these software products yourself!) In this class I will show you...
- A complete overview of the entire system and how to set it up for a passive income...
- How to build a squeeze page so that you can sell different software to the same people over and over again...
- My exact blogging method that MAKES people want to buy every software product I tell them about!
- How to find the PLR to tons of software products that you can sell and keep all the money on... (You never have to create any products!)
- What marketing materials to create to get customers buying from you... (And they are super easy to create)
- How to set your software products up with buy buttons, so people can actually by from you! (It’s easy-peasy)
- And so so so much more!
Literally, everything you need to know to get setup and making money with your own software business is covered in this class! And the best part is you can use software that you get the PLR to so you never have to create the software yourself!

This Sounds Great, Liz, But Why So Much Incredibly Profitable Information For Such A Small Price?
If you're wondering why I would make such an amazing offer at such a low price, here's why...
As I said above, I've been creating and using PLR content since 2005 and it's hands down the quickest and easiest way to make-money online in many different ways.
I am one of the pioneers in the PLR industry and I've seen and done it all! I not only "play the game", but I "invented the game", and to truly help you start using PLR content to make money I want to get these FOUR online classes in your hands so you can see that I am the real deal and I can truly help you make money with PLR.
And once you see the amazing value here and how much I can truly help you, I know you'll come back to me over and over again for PLR content and training to help you use PLR content in your business!
It's a win-win for both of us... You get a 4 of my best online classes for a tiny price, and I get to "wow" you with what I have created for you and gain you as a loyal fan and customer!
Not Only Are You Getting An Amazing Deal Here, But It's Also 100% Guaranteed!
Spend the $7 today, get instant access to every single course above, use what I'm teaching you, let me "wow" you, and if you're not completely satisfied I'll refund every single penny of your purchase.
If you are not satisfied for any reason - just tell me what that reason is and you will get a full refund. If you are not happy - I want to know why because maybe it will help me make my products a better value for you!
That's how confident I am that you're going to be totally blown away with what I teach you about making money with PLR content! I completely back it up with this satisfaction guarantee!
This collection of step-by-step online classes is going to give you all the training you need to make money with PLR content in many different ways in as many different niches as you want - plus you're getting it completely risk free with my money back guarantee.
Make sure you click the order button below and grab this amazing deal before the timer below expires! You'll have instant access to everything instantly!
I really look forward to being your mentor and helping you make a ton of money in your online business with PLR content!
To your success!
Liz Tomey
P.S. Remember that when the timer runs out this offer WILL expire. You will be able to buy each of the courses for their individual prices (but at $47 each), but you will NEVER see them all offered together for the one time $7 price I'm offering you with this special offer. Don't let that timer below expire!
P.P.S By getting all 4 of these online classes today you will have instant access so you can start learning and making money with PLR content. Don't delay! Get access now - go through the online classes - and start making money with PLR content right now!