Yesterday I told you about a client I was working with who was complaining about not making any sales after 4 months when he set up a PLR package he bought for $10.

In that email I told you why, and it seems a lot of people are confused about and/or didn’t like my answer.

(Note: Here’s a link to the whole story if you missed it >>> )

For those who didn’t like my answer. Well sometimes the truth hurts! If you want to make the big-money with PLR and not do a lot of work you’re going to have to invest more in quality and limited PLR products. No way around it…

Now for those of you who are confused about what I said…

I buy almost every PLR package I see, and you should too (if it fits your niche.), but there are different uses for different things you buy.

The lower cost full blown PLR packages I use for bonuses, membership content, freebie-offers, content for my websites/blogs, etc… Some of them are great quality and since I’m in so many different niches I use it all.

But if I just want to take a product and use it as is as a full blown product I usually have to spend a lot more money-because that kind of content costs more, but makes me more money directly.

So I’m NOT downing low cost PLR packages I’m just saying if you want to take the lazy route (nothing wrong with this route) then you’ve got to buy better quality PLR content that not everyone and their brother can get their hands on.

Making sense now?

When you buy a PLR package just make sure you use it in the right way or you wont get the results you need!

Okay, that’s all for now, and I hope this clears up any confusion. 🙂

Talk soon!
