Liz Tomey here from and it’s Friday! This is the last issue for this week. We are at Issue #4!
Friday’s are going to be our “week in review” days. Everything that we’ve talked about all week will be in the Friday issue so that you have a recap of the entire week all in once email. I’m doing this so you can…
1. Go back through and see ALL the PLR packages at a glance and grab what you need.
2. Go back through and see ALL the resources I’ve given you so you can learn multiple ways to make-money with the PLR you have/get.
3. Go back through and see ALL the free-PLR I’ve given you at a glance.
Let me know if you like these “week in review” days and it will be a thing every Friday!
Let’s get started!
PLR Package Of The Day:
Binge Proof Lifestyle PLR >>>
I found this last night, picked it up, and was amazed by the quality of content and all that you get in this MASSIVE package. Not to mention it’s on a super hot topic that is THE leading cause of weight loss.
You get a product you can sell as your own, a giveaway offer to build your list (People are going to want this! It’s a great list builder!), sales page, optin page, graphics, and a ton of other great stuff!
Grab this package at
IM/MMO PLR Packages:
1. Start Selling on Udemy PLR Package >>>
This is a full blown product PLR package. Meaning the main thing in it is a product and it’s a product on a very hot topic. Selling On Udemy!
Not only do you get PLR to the entire video course (20 videos), but you also get a sales letter and download page, sales video to promote it, graphics for the whole thing and more.
This would be great to rebrand just a bit (Nothing major just change the graphics, tweak the sales letter, etc) or use as is for a product of your own!
You can grab this package at
OM PLR Packages:
1. Instagram Marketing For Offline Businesses PLR >>>
A great service to provide for offline business is generating leads through Instagram and Instagram account management. It’s a super-profitable easy service to offer. Drew Laughlin creates all kinds of PLR for peole with offline marketing businesses and it is second to none! This PLR package allows you to setup a system where you can educate offline bussinesses about how they can use Instagram in their marketing and then sell them YOUR services! Brilliant!
You can grab this package at
2. 2018 Offline Video Biz Booster PLR Package >>>
I LOVE this PLR package and can’t wait to use it in my offline consulting biz. It allows you to get PLR to videos for many different industries and then do whatever you want with the videos. You could make video ads, use for content for lead generation, and so much more. There’s 50 videos in this package. You could make a lot of-money providing video services to offline businesses.
You can grab this package at
3. Local Directory Setup Service For Offline Businesses PLR >>>
This is another package from Drew Laughlin. He’s been busy lately. *lol* This package is all about providing a directory submission and setup services to local businesses. It’s absolutely vital that an offline business be highly visible when people are searching for them. This is an easy to provide service that you can charge big-bucks for! This PLR package allows you to setup a system where you can educate offline businesses about this tactic and get them paying YOU for the service.
You can grab this package at
Niche PLR Packages:
1. Tribe Bloom is hands down my favorite niche PLR package provider and they have a brand new PLR package called Natural Remedies And Treatments For Arthritis. This one is pretty specific, but if you want to jump into the natural health niche this is a great package for it. There is SOOOO much content in this package!
2. And in the weight loss niche… Gary Harvey has a great PLR package on appetite control. I’m INCREDIBLY impressed with the quality here. Gary is an amazing content creator. I picked this one up because I’m starting a lifestyle blog and one of the topics I talk about is weight loss and being healthy and the report in this package will make a great giveaway to build my list!
3. Valentines Day Coloring Pages PLR Package – Now this kind of PLR is new to me. The coloring book craze is a HUGE deal. You can create entire coloring books for people, use the pages in journals, and notebooks, give them away as “printables” from your blog, and on and on. Valentine’s Day is quickly coming up and this package is perfect for it.
These are all Valentine’s Day coloring pages, and not only are they AWESOME, but they’re from one of the coolest people I’ve come across online. I love this lady! Check out her PLR package at
4. 15 Product Reviews With PLR – I absolutely LOVE this package for many reasons. First it’s from Arun Chandran! Enough said… Seriously… He’s an amazing writer and his reviews with PLR are AMAZING! This is great for you guys who do affiliate marketing in your business. You can use these reviews on your blog and anywhere else you can post content. I’ll be using a few of these in one of my niche Facebook groups. $$$
Did you catch that? Because that’s a hot tip right there…
Create a niche Facebook group, build it up, and there are so many ways you can monetize it. I will be teaching this strategy soon.
Anyway, I can’t recommend these enough!
5. Down Home Cooking PLR Package – Peggy Hazelwood has launched another PLR package that includes “down home cooking” recipes. With this package you get 22 different recipes, 10 royalty free photos (These are great to use when you post the recipes. You can add an image with them.), and as a bonus 5 food related social memes. Social memes are AWESOME!
There’s so many great ways to use these recipes. She lists some great ways that I haven’t even thought about using right on her sales page. This is a great PLR package! Check it out at
6. Solar Power Profits Pack – I REALLY liked this package because it’s an “everything you need to enter this niche” kind of package. There’s so much great stuff in this package, and it even comes with a PDF instructing you on how to use it all.
This is a HOT niche so if you’re in it or want to be in it I highly recommend you check it out. It gives you everything you need to get started in the niche (freebies to build your list, content for your site, products you can sell, etc) or if you’re already in the niche you can load up on stuff to use!
You can grab the package at
PLR Resources:
1. The PLR Start Here Video – This is a video I did to help those of you who might have questions about PLR, and what to do to get started RIGHT NOW in using PLR to make-money.
Note: This resource will probably be in every issue. It will serve as a reminder and help new people who are new to Today In PLR know what to do to get started. Let me know what you think about me putting this in every issue.
2. How To Use PLR To Create “Bonus Packages” – No matter if you’re an established affiliate or just getting started using bonus packages is a great way to make-more money in your affiliate marketing business. You can use PLR content to create the bonuses for your bonus packages. Check out this video where I show you how to do it –
3. Want to see how I take products I get the PLR to and turn them into money-makers? Watch this video and then go find a product you have the PLR to and do the same thing!
4. You’re Buying The Wrong PLR! – This is a post I did that you REALLY need to read and understand. If you’re trying to create products you want to sell from PLR then you’ve got to buy the right PLR. There are multitudes of uses for PLR, but some packages ARE NOT to for creating your own product. If you want to create and sell products that you’ve created from PLR, then read this so you understand what I mean!
5. And closely related to what I’m talking about about is this post This Is What You Use For Products That Make You-Money!
6. Talking Niche PLR At The Beach – This is a video I did showing off the amazing beach I live a few miles away from and work at often. You can be jealous! It’s ok… I kid. The main part of the video though I’m showing you how I would use a PLR package in the weightloss niche, but it can be applied to any niche! Check the video out at
7. How To Dominate A Stupid Niche With PLR Content – Yes even in “stupid” niches you can make-money and you can do it the easy way when you use PLR. In this tutorial I’ll explain my money-making strategy and how you can use it too!
8. How To Profit In The Solar System Niche – Again… What I teach in this tutorial can be applied to ANY niche, but I’m showing you what I would do even in a small niche like the one I use as an example. Check it out at
PLR Freebies:
And a brand new freebie for today…
“Team Building” is a huge topic in the professional development niche! Here’s 3 difereent little PLR freebies for you for this niche!
If you haven’t gotten on my main PLR list and gotten the free-PLR to my 50 Ways To PLR Profits report you can do so at
That’s A Wrap:
What a week! Shockingly there wasn’t a lot of PLR packages in the IM/MMO niches. I should say a lot of GOOD ones.
Niches outside of those niches though had a lot of great ones and I wasn’t even able to get them all in here. Next week I know of THREE that I’m super excited about because they target some of the niches I’m in. I’ll be telling you about those and many more! I’ve also got a bunch of great resources to share with you next week too.
So, go enjoy your weekend. If you can squeeze some time in to work on your business most certainly do and when you can use PLR to shortcut your way to success DO IT!
Have a great weekend!